I just wanted to thank all 33 of my followers for following my blog! I was going to make this post at 30 but my followers crept up just a little bit since I realized I had hit that mark this morning! I know a lot of the stuff I post on here might be depressing, but I am trying to deal with a lot right now and being able to blog about it helps! And, maybe somehow, in some way this helps some other people too.

30 followers might not seem like much to other people, but it’s a lot to me especially since in the first month there was not many people at all reading my blog. So for me 30 followers is super super super exciting!

I will be trying to post more lighthearted stuff, but this is one place where I am letting myself be myself so if I want to post depressing things…I will probably continue to do so XD

Regardless I thank all of you who are now following me! And welcome new followers, I will follow back.

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